Our IoT technology will make pipeline corrosion protection more efficient and cheaper
New IoT technologies bring significant benefits to companies, including in the area of cathodic protection. They have several indisputable advantages that have not been available on the market so far in such a simple and affordable form.
Specifically, our IoT platform SimONet, intended for distribution network monitoring, provides functions such as distribution network mapping, monitoring of non-standard phenomena, data collection for predictive or preventive maintenance. But the main thing is that it is financially inexpensive with a short payback period and a quick time for its installation. It allows companies to significantly reduce operating costs and extend the life of monitoring equipment.
Are you interested in more detailed information on the latest developments in cathodic protection of pipeline systems? Then read the interview on the vseoprumyslu.cz website with my colleague Tomáš Bauer.
You can find more information on ZAT's products and competencies in the gas industry on our webových stránkách.