The main theme of the customer day was cost reduction, savings and innovation
The next, the 5th customer day Summer meet-up 2022, was marked by savings. "Even long-term customers of ZAT, for example from transport, were interested in our EnMS solution, i.e. an energy management system that can significantly save energy costs for companies in today's difficult times," says Milan Hucl, director of the Smart Systems division. All stations brought interesting news, judge for yourself.
Transport - focused on partnership
Colleagues from the Transport division this year presented new developments in already offered solutions and our involvement in technology transfer. "We presented to the visitors how important and fruitful cooperation with implementation and business partners is for us," says Pavel Konopásek, head of the Transport specialist group. The first demonstration demonstrated the possibilities of the Landslide Detection system, which we are working on with our Scottish partner Findlay Irvine. We are expanding the system to include monitoring of other sensors and conditions – for example, water level detection, a flood sensor for railways and roads, a wireless rail temperature sensor and other meteorological sensors.
ZAT has been involved in university research for a long time. "Together with experts from Technical University in Brno, we presented at the Summer meet-up experimental and already established solutions for the transformation of vibrations into electrical energy, as well as a fully functional rail load simulator, which is used for research on the quality of materials and rail shapes. Customers will be able to draw a number of benefits from the results of our joint development in the future," adds Pavel Konopásek.
Data analysis and monitoring - benefits and savings
At the AMD booth, we presented three new innovative solutions to visitors. Together with the Technodat company, we presented new possibilities in the field of electronic management and design of technical documentation - specifically, the storage of printed diagrams, which can be followed up in a purely electronic form. "At the second stand, visitors could see in a practical demonstration how and why our systems have reliably and faultlessly controlled technologies for decades and how individual development series can be easily connected while maintaining control continuity," says Michaela Korimová, head of the Data Analysis and Monitoring expert group.
The third presented technology responded to the current situation in the world - i.e. the energy crisis. "We presented to customers how, using our SimONet platform, technologies in buildings can be autonomously managed with an emphasis on optimal energy consumption, which leads to significant financial savings," adds Petr Hasman, ZAT's sales manager.
Custom software development - solutions for manufacturing companies
At a booth focused on custom software development, our colleagues presented how we help customers plan and monitor production processes. For example, the integration of data from more and more production systems and their visualization into views that will give them an overview across the entire production process. "Furthermore, we showed how the testing requirements of individual products can be managed to meet the required characteristics or how the management of machines and their accessories can be easily and clearly managed for the availability of information on warranties, service and maintenance of machine operations in manufacturing companies of all sizes," he adds Jiří Pejša, manager of the specialist group Custom software development.
Gas industry – innovation in cathodic protection
In the gas industry, we are a firmly established supplier for important companies in the Czech Republic. That is also why we were happy to be able to surprise our customers with new unique functions in the field of sensing and analysis of cathodic protection within the Gasacor information tool intended for companies operating product pipelines. "To improve the quality of data management and analysis, we decided to transform it into the SimONet platform. Thanks to this, we are able to offer the customer new options in the form of wireless data collection of measuring points, connection to other information tools, and, last but not least, to modify the tool according to the individual needs of the customer," explains Tomáš Bauer, head of the Gas industry expert group.
Medical – new products and markets
The Smart Systems division also includes the medical segment, where we offer innovative solutions for healthcare, such as E-Health, telemedicine and Stimsmart therapeutic devices. "In the area of news, the medical device Ozosmart is intended primarily for distribution just before it is launched on the market. We are also addressing our membership in the newly emerging Digital Health working group at the Association of Manufacturers and Suppliers of Medical Devices," says Roman Plavec, sales and marketing director for healthcare. At the customer day, we were also visited by an important distributor of medical devices for the Arab market, where interesting cooperation is developing.